Workforce Development Programs Benefit Job Seekers and Employers Alike

July 18, 2022

When employees learn new skills, everyone benefits. That’s why Vermont employers are creating unique opportunities for employees to receive training or brush up on critical skills while on the job. VHV, formerly Vermont Heating and Ventilating Company, developed a nationally accredited four-year construction apprenticeship program and recently certified its first cohort of graduates in sheet metal, pipefitting and HVAC service. VHV worked with the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) to develop the program and train staff to become certified instructors. The company utilized a Vermont Training Program (VTP) grant to offset costs associated with establishing the program, including wages for employees to engage in on-the-job training and support for staff to become certified instructors. Job seekers interested in entering or advancing in the trades are benefiting from the trailblazing programs offered by employers such as VHV.

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