Rural Living For a Safer Future

January 29, 2021

As the nation continues to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, people are looking to rural areas with wide open spaces, fresh air, and tight-knit communities to call home. According to a recent Gallup Pollalmost half of Americans would prefer to live in rural areas or small towns, if given the choice.  

The effects of climate change are also influencing decisions on where people can imagine a safe future. CBS News found a formula for a safe haven – inland enough to escape coastal storms and rising water levels, eastern enough to avoid the potential for wildfires, and northern enough to avoid heat waves. Sounds like the Green Mountain State! A family from Paradise, CA, fleeing the Camp Fire, made the move to Vermontcalling it a “functional, extremely happy, healthy place.” 

Vermont’s regions are stepping up their efforts to help potential Vermonters relocate. People interested in exploring Vermont job opportunities, housing, and communities can now connect with Think Vermont representatives to schedule an introductory conversation to talk about calling Vermont home. 

These tough times have shown that through thick and thin, Vermont’s communities, landscapes, and economy have what it takes to provide healthy, fulfilling lifestyles. One Portland, OR native made the move to Vermont and is settling in well; his endearing  “Flatlander’s Application to Join Vermont” published in Seven Days shows he’s a Vermonter by choice.  

The future looks bright from where we stand in the Green Mountains. 

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